
Community support

A helping hand for children affected by neurological disorders

Dedicating yourself completely to your own child to offer him or her the very best that life can offer can sometimes be an uphill struggle if the child suffers from complex neurological disorders, and, unfortunately, these phenomena are more widespread than one can imagine. 

Mitsubishi Electric e fondazione Togheter to Go

Dedicating yourself completely to your own child to offer him or her the very best that life can offer can sometimes be an uphill struggle if the child suffers from complex neurological disorders, and, unfortunately, these phenomena are more widespread than one can imagine.

In the Western world, 3 out of 1000 children are born with brain defects that can lead to serious difficulties in terms of movement and learning. Since 2012, the TogetherToGo Foundation, at its centre in Milan, has offered full and free rehabilitation programmes to over 100 children affected by neurological conditions, with the aim of stimulating the development of their personalities and of enhancing their abilities in spite of the complex challenges presented by their conditions.

These children have motor, cognitive, behavioural, and communication impairments. After diagnosis, they need rehabilitation, which is often the only effective treatment, but there are still many on the waiting list.

For this reason, Mitsubishi Electric for the third year running has renewed its support of the foundation, in order to hope other children can have access to its services and to ensure that those that already do can continue on their journey.

Love, professionalism and understanding are the magic ingredients that can help these children to realize their full potential and, despite the challenges to spread their wings.