

Mitsubishi Electric joins FAI's Corporate Golden Donor program

Mitsubishi Electric joins FAI's Corporate Golden Donor program

Making sure that the artistic and cultural heritage we have inherited does not get lost and that more and more people can benefit from it, is a...

Mitsubishi Electric obtains 'A List' rating from CDP

Mitsubishi Electric obtains 'A List' rating from CDP

The international non-profit organisation CDP has once again awarded Mitsubishi Electric with its highest rating, 'A List', for activities related to climate change and water management.

Let's free our territories from plastic!

Let's free our territories from plastic!

A working Sunday dedicated to cleaning up fields and streets of 750 kg of plastic and abandoned garbage

Un esperimento dimostrativo in Irlanda per valutare l'efficacia del controllo delle pompe di calore 

Un esperimento dimostrativo in Irlanda per valutare l'efficacia del controllo delle pompe di calore 

L’iniziativa mira a ottenere un risparmio energetico del 10%, una riduzione del 60% dei gas serra e un aumento del 50% nell'uso di energia rinnovabile



Plastic Free

Plastic Free

2,477,471 kilograms of plastic and waste removed from the environment, 3,061 clean up appointments realized, 78 sea turtles rescued and 533...

FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano

FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano

The mission of FAI is to promote a culture of respect for nature, art, history and traditions of Italy and to protect a heritage that is a fundamental part of our roots and our identity.

Vision 2050

Vision 2050

"Protecting the air, land, and water with our hearts and technologies to create a better future for everyone," is the purpose of Mitsubishi Electric's 'Vision 2050' environmental sustainability program in which the company aims to address long-term environmental problems by creating new values for a sustainable future in the run-up to 2050.
