
Community support

A small contribution to helping the elderly

To learn how to take care of those who took care of us first. This is the goal of “La ricchezza della cura”, or “The Value of Care”, an initiative of the Fondazione Casa Famiglia San Giuseppe ONLUS [San Giuseppe Family Care Home Foundation NPO], to which Mitsubishi Electric has been pleased to offer its contribution. 

Mitsubishi Electric e Casa Famiglia San Giuseppe

To learn how to take care of those who took care of us first. This is the goal of “La ricchezza della cura”, or “The Value of Care”, an initiative of the Fondazione Casa Famiglia San Giuseppe ONLUS [San Giuseppe Family Care Home Foundation NPO], to which Mitsubishi Electric has been pleased to offer its contribution.

How can we look after our elderly parents? What happens when a family member is no longer self-sufficient? These are the questions the project seeks to give exact and qualified answers to, in order to face the challenge that often leads to inverting family roles, with adult children taking on the role of fathers and mothers to their parents, while juggling home, children, work and doctors.

The educational project is articulated over a calendar of seven free participation meetings to take place at the foundation’s headquarters in Vimercate starting on 6th October 2016, and represents an opportunity for reflection and training in tackling these difficult times with the right approach and the aim to find the right balance between family ties.

The foundation, inspired by the Christian principle of the value and dignity of every human life, undertakes to develop effective initiatives to prevent or delay the natural psycho-physical degradation of its elderly subjects, by cultivating that family dimension that is so important to the ideology.

Our company has long supported bodies and associations that, at various levels, take care of the well-being and health of people through the creation of networks and local services dedicated to citizens. For precisely this reason it is for us a pleasure to support this initiative dedicated to providing social assistance to the elderly.