
Community support

Play activities to help children with disabilities

With a donation, our Air Conditioning Division has funded the creation of a waiting room dedicated to parents of the new Spazio Gioco premises of L'abilità Associazione Onlus.

Play activities to help children with disabilities

The new L’abilità Onlus Spazio Gioco (play area) is a place where children with disabilities learn to play and experience their own abilities, socialize and have fun in a protected space. Parents can wait in a room designed by Milan New Academy of Fine Arts (NABA) students. L'abilità has been partnering with NABA since 2016. This room is inspired by the fantasy world of Alice in Wonderland, where everything is possible with imagination. The colors used are those of the forest and nature, and the furnishings are designed so that parents can relax while waiting for their child.

L’abilità Associazione Onlus develops and manages projects and innovative services for children with disabilities and their families in the play, education, school, housing areas, accessibility and inclusion areas for people with disabilities, either directly or in partnership with public bodies and foundations. Founded in 1998, the association for disabled people is part of the City Council. It has been a member of LEDHA Milano, the Milan City coordinator for the rights of those with disabilities, since 2010. It has been part of the CRC Group (Convention on the Rights of Children and Adolescents Working Group) since 2007 and received the Milan City civic merit award in 2003.

The new Spazio Gioco was opened by the Milan City Councilor for Social Policies, Pierfrancesco Majorino. Deputy Director LES Fabrizio Maja represented our company.