

Mitsubishi Electric and friends of the earth together to create a greener future

For Mitsubishi Electric the environment is a priority that requires immediate commitment. This is why we set up a partnership with one of Italy’s most important environmental protection associations: Amici della Terra Italia Onlus.

Mitsubishi Electric and friends of the earth together to create a greener future

As a testimony of its commitment and responsibility in working for a low carbon footprint society, on May 14 Mitsubishi Electric took part in Rome in the event organised by Amici della Terra Onlus and Assoclima entitled: “Heat pumps: a key technology for achieving the 2030 goals” to de-carbonize the energy print of buildings. Today, it’s key to foster the use of systems that improve energy efficiency and increase the use of renewable sources; heat pumps are a highly advanced solution in terms of environmental sustainability, as the heat produces is absorbed by natural sources such as air, water and the ground, helping the planet and improving people’s wellbeing.

For further information on the event and to get more information on emissions reduction, visit the website of Amici della Terra Onlus: