
Community support

Brianza per il Cuore

Mitsubishi Electric has been supporting Brianza per il Cuore Association for ten years by supporting the project " Anche tu puoi salvare una vita " by donating an AED defibrillator to local sports centers and schools in the area.

Consegna del defribillatore

Mitsubishi Electric has been supporting Brianza per il Cuore Association for ten years by supporting the project " Anche tu puoi salvare una vita " by donating an AED defibrillator to local sports centers and schools in the area. Brianza per il Cuore is a local non-profit association that promotes and coordinates social and health initiatives aimed at fighting and preventing cardiovascular diseases.

The project, supported by our branch - " Anche tu puoi salvare una vita " - is coordinated by the Association in collaboration with USSM (Unione Società Sportive Monzesi) and the Provincial School Office to promote widespread knowledge of the "life-saving maneuver" of Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation CPR and the use of the AED semiautomatic defibrillator. This is a health education/prevention course reserved for instructors and managers of sports clubs that includes the AED defibrillator and the CPR and AED training course.

The project aims to spread the importance of safety in schools: the presence of a defibrillator, in fact, ensures immediate assistance to all those who are affected by cardiac arrest in public places. With this initiative Mitsubishi Electric wants to give its support in favor of raising awareness of students and teachers on the importance of proper information in terms of health and prevention of cardio-circulatory diseases.


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Le nuove Isole della Salute contro le malattie cardiovascolari

Forse non tutti sanno che le malattie del cuore e dei vasi sono la prima causa di morte nel mondo. Un tema, molto sentito dalla nostra azienda, che da cinque anni offre il proprio supporto in favore della sensibilizzazione di alunni e insegnanti.
