
Community support

Centro Diametro keeps on growing

Since its opening in Milan in 2022, the outpatient service created by Dianova has renovated its headquarters, established the professional team, launched support services and developed new partnerships in the area

Funded in part through fundraising related to Mitsubishi Electric's participation in the Milan Marathon 2023, the Centro Diametro project is now fully active and represents a significant help for those experiencing substance and behavioral addiction problems as well as psychological distress

Project: Dianova

At Mitsubishi Electric we are happy, and even a little proud, when we see that projects we have supported are successful and achieve the goals for which they were designed. That's the case of the Diametro Center: an outpatient service that offers free assistance to those in their lives who are fighting their own battle against addictions to drugs and alcohol, but also to internet use, gambling, video games, social networks, compulsive shopping, emotional addictions, up to and including work addiction and psychological distress.

In the center of Milan - at Via P. Calvi, 29 - the Dianova facility - an association that has been dealing with the problem of substance addiction for more than three decades in Italy - is now fully up and running, with a team of doctors and experts capable of handling this kind of problem with the utmost professionalism. 

Since January 2023, when the Diameter Center began taking in users, as many as 95 people - 49 women and 46 men - have approached the facility for help: 30.5 percent for substance addiction, 59 percent for psychological distress, 6.3 percent for behavioral addiction, and 4.2 percent for risky behaviors.

The center's activities are now complemented by the partnership developed with the Università Cattolica di Milano, which is responsible for the identification of clinical and monitoring tools as well as the final evaluation of the application model. Dianova also collaborates with a local network to provide adequate responses to the various needs identified in the Center.

To learn more about the activities of Centro Diametro, please visit the website here.