
Community support

In supporting AVULSS, we help our community

For the eighth year in a row we are to the side of AVULSS, Associazione Volontariato Unità Locali Servizi Socio-Sanitari of Agrate Brianza, to concretely contribute  to our community.

Avulss torneo

Project: AVULSS - Associazione Volontariato Unità Locali Servizi Socio-Sanitari

From 1985, the central offices of the Italian branch of Mitsubishi Electric have been located at Agrate Brianza and, for this very reason, support for the land that hosts our establishments forms a central part of our Social Responsibility Programmes and of the mission of the whole Mitsubishi Electric Group. For this reason, even this, the 8th consecutive year, we have decided to support the AVULSS (Voluntary Association of Local Socio-health Services of Agrate Brianza) projects, established in 1984 with the aim of being at the service of the whole local community.

The association means to promote, support and activate voluntary work in the social and health fields, in the form of service given to persons in situations of difficulty and suffering. The service is given both in a direct form and with active presences at the social bodies located throughout the territory.

Each AVULSS volunteer gives his or her time voluntarily with the aim of being approachable to all, stimulating a commitment to active participation over the territory, inserting themselves into the social context to prevent any kind of marginalisation and to listen with empathy to all those who suffer, sharing and participating in their problems to remove the causes in a competent manner.

Each AVULSS volunteer is required to have suitable training which is carried out over three specific phases: A basic training; a sector qualification, obtained by frequenting in-depth technical-practical courses based on the sector in which they intend to operate; continuous training through periodic meetings and updating.

The AVULSS activities are carried out in specific intervention sectors: Services for the elderly; home services for persons in mental distress; lucid recreational activities aimed at youngsters and handicapped people and addressed by interactions in activities of singing, dance, manual work, board games, cooking workshops; creative-recreational workshops open to people in mental or social distress, with the aim of creating a moment of hospitality and friendship for people at risk of isolation; after school services for students, both Italian and foreign, of middle school age who need to be supervised in carrying out their tasks or in their relationships with peers or adults; transport services carried out with a suitably equipped mini-bus owned by the association and with vehicles made available by the Commune Administration.