

Mitsubishi Electric takes part at Legambiente Festa dell’Albero

To contrast climate change, our company supports the national campaign 'Festa dell'Albero', translating the protection of the environment, local biodiversity and urban reforestation into reality.

The project involves the planting of 300 trees in Italy

Mitsubishi Electric takes part at Legambiente Festa dell’Albero

The Festa dell'Albero is a planting campaign which takes place all over Italy and to which Legambiente dedicates every year, on November 21st, the Giornata Nazionale degli Alberi, calling on Italian institutions, schools, individual citizens and companies to make a concrete act towards the environment. Today, Mitsubishi Electric also responds to the call, aware of the need to translate into facts the protection of the global environment and to leave a healthy planet to future generations.

 During the event, which this year takes place mainly between 19, 20 and 21 November, Mitsubishi Electric and its employees will be involved in the planting of dozens of trees in different locations in Italy, together with Legambiente:

 - Thursday 18th from 11 am to 3.30 pm in Rome, at the Parco Teulada Riserva Naturale Monte Mario (close to the area of the court of Rome, between via Teulada and viale Giovanni Falcone e Paolo Borsellino). In this area of the Riserva Naturale di Monte Mario 100 young trees will be planted in order to create a natural green lung and fight climate change.

- Saturday, November 20 from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm in Bussero (MI) in the space of Pala Martesana Auditorium Civico (via Carabinieri Caduti, corner Generale della Chiesa) in which 100 trees will be planted to create public green and mitigation, designed to restore the ecosystem of the suburban area of Milan.

 - Monday, November 22 from 9.00 to 14.00 in Beinasco (TO) in the municipal green area in Via Fornasio, will be planted another 100 young trees, part of the project ‘Foresta in città’ which provides for the planting of about 1,500 trees, near a large peripheral industrial area.

 To join 'Festa dell’Albero’ for Mitsubishi Electric means to educate to the value of green as a protection of health and environmental well-being and is linked to an even broader and more ambitious initiative.

In fact, ‘Festa dell'Albero’ is one of the activities included in LIFE TERRA - the European project co-financed by the European Union of which Legambiente is the only Italian partner - with the mission of re-establishing our bond with the Earth and creating an environmental conscience both in society and in future generations.

The Association's goal is to plant 9 million trees in Italy to reach the quota of 500 million - by 2025 in Europe, capturing over 3 and a half million of CO2 and involving 1,350,000 citizens.