

Una convention degli Alumni Polimi

Una partnership per avvicinare Università ed imprese

Recentemente la nostra azienda ha rinnovato la partnership con l’associazione Alumni Polimi poiché con questa realtà condivide il principio secondo cui “la crescita” deve essere posta alla base di ogni attività dell’azienda

Orientamento universitario:  una grande opportunità per studenti ed aziende

Orientamento universitario: una grande opportunità per studenti ed aziende

Fino a qualche anno fa esisteva una distanza non indifferente tra il mondo del lavoro e l’università, proprio come se fossero posti su due livelli del tutto differenti destinati a non incontrarsi mai.

Una giornata con gli studenti

Una giornata con gli studenti

Lo scorso 19 marzo abbiamo partecipato alla fiera “Progetta il tuo futuro: settore industriale”, inserita nel programma di orientamento universitario del Politecnico di Milano denominato “Career Service”.



ANIPLA - Italian National Association for Automation

ANIPLA - Italian National Association for Automation

The branch opens its doors to the university world, participating in the series of meetings promoted by ANIPLA with the aim of encouraging the exchange and dialogue between companies and students.



Since 2016 Mitsubishi Electric Italian branch is member of Sodalitas Foundation

Mentor ME

Mentor ME

Ideated by the Italian Branch of Mitsubishi Electric, the Mentor ME platform, completely cost-free, provides innovative technical institutes students with e-learning and smartworking paths to orient themselves, acquire skills to carry out operational tasks and obtain an official certificate of PCTO in the company. In particular, Mentor ME was created with the aim of providing young people with a tool for training and orientation in the fields of Industrial Automation and Air Conditioning.

Activities with high schools and ITS

Activities with high schools and ITS

Training has always been a fundamental element in which the entire Mitsubishi Electric group firmly believes, the best way to acquire practical and theoretical knowledge and to develop those professional skills that will allow future technicians to succeed in the working environment.

Activities with Universities

Activities with Universities

Mitsubishi Electric has been involved for several years in collaboration programs with the academic and educational world.
